This item can be carried by 1 person and can fit into a sedan. Please have as much room as possible in your vehicle for the rented items.
Pickup is 9:30-noon the day of your reservation (by appointment). Your pickup time options will be given to you when you make your reservation. If you need a specific time, you'll want to reserve as far in advance as possible. Reservation times are given out on a first come, first serve basis. Dropoff is before 9:00am the following business day. Saturday renters have until Monday morning at 9:00am to return. We have an after-hours dropoff option, and details about that will be given to you at pickup. Items rented on a Monday through Thursday qualify for the weekday price. On Fridays, Saturdays, and holidays the weekend price applies. the weekday price. On Fridays, Saturdays, and holidays the weekend price applies.